The South Baldwin Literacy Council is committed to making our community a better place. Take a look at some of the things we've already accomplished!

Foley Public Library's Halloween Extravaganza 2023
Saturday, October 21, 2023
The South Baldwin Literacy Council spent a spooky afternoon celebrating this Halloween season at Foley Public Library's Annual Halloween Extravaganza. We showed up as a true team to shoot some hoops, pass out candy, and to give away over 1750 books to community members!

"English in Action" Field Trip to Wolf Bay Restaurant
Thursday, October 5, 2023
The South Baldwin Literacy Council's "English in Action" ESL class took a field trip to the Wolf Bay Restaurant located here in Foley, AL. This field trip wrapped up our "restaurant" module for this class. First, we learned about dining etiquette, common phrases and vocabulary, and more in class. Then, Wolf Bay hosted us for a wonderful lunch where students could practice their skills. Chandra, the restaurant's General Manager, even gave a tour of the "back of the house"! We are grateful for our community's support of our programs.

Farm Reading at You, Me, and the Boys Farmstead
Thursday, October 5, 2023
The South Baldwin Literacy Council spent a beautiful morning at You, Me, and the Boys Farmstead reading to kindergarteners from Rockwell Elementary School. In addition, we donated 450 new and gently used children's books to the farm for the month of October.

Lower Alabama Young Professionals - Professional Development
Friday, September 15, 2023
The South Baldwin Literacy Council attended the Lower Alabama Young Professional's Professional Development Series featuring New York Times Bestselling Author, Andy Andrews. Andy spoke about how doing things a bit differently can often lead to success... a lesson we know a lot about here at SBLC. It was a wonderful evening.